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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sauce-Sational – An Experiment in Applesauce Summary

After saucing lots and lots of different apples together and sharing with you my results for my Sauce-sational Applesauce Experiment it’s time that I make it a little easier for you to decide which variety of apple you want to try. 
photo by Friends in Photography
I’m going to keep all the varieties we have on the list even if I haven’t sauced it yet.  That will help me keep track of what apples I have to sauce in future years. To read more about the details of each sauce click on the variety name and it will bring you to the entire post I originally wrote about that particular apple.
I am summarizing to you the texture, color, flavor, and my personal opinion on the sauce.  Please remember with my opinion I do NOT LIKE TART.  For example – the cortland’s were a bit too tart for me so I put ‘Okay’ in the box – BUT I do believe that if you like tarter things you would really enjoy cortland sauce. 
I also did include the apples approximate ripening date.  I just want to make sure you realize if you want to try to make Zestar! applesauce that you need to visit us in August – not October. 
Well…here it goes!
Variety Texture Color Flavor Love, Okay, or Dislike Approx. Ripening Time
Akane N/A August
Arlet (Swiss Gourmet) N/A Sept 17th
Baker's Mix - August chunky & smooth normal pleasant mixture Love August
Baker's Mix - October chunky & Smooth normal pleasant mixture, lots of depth LOVE – favorite! October
Baker's Mix - September N/A September
Bonnies Best N/A Oct 1st
Braeburn fairly smooth normal sweet with a tang dislike Oct 15th
Cameo smooth normal sweet with a slight tang like Oct 5th
Chenango Strawberry N/A Aug 19th
Corltand chunky WHITE tart but good apple-y flavor okay Sept 12th
Cox Orange Pippen N/A Sept 25th
Crimson Crisp N/A Sept 10th
Dandee Red chunky/smooth normal slightly tart - appley okay Aug 15th
Duchess smooth  normal  like fall, appley fresh  okay Aug 8th
Empire chunky whitish tartish okay Sept 22nd
Fameuse (Sno) N/A Oct 2nd
Fireside chunky dark sweet but lacking okay Oct 1st
Frostbite N/A Sept 30th
Fuji chunky - watery dark sweet but too watery okay to dislike Sept 15th
Gala chunky dark very little flavor dislike Aug 31st
Ginger Gold chunky light sweet with a hint of tart love Aug 10th
Golden Delicious chunky light sweet with some tart, good flavor love Sept 22nd
Granny Smith chunky lighter mouth puckering tart dislike Oct 12th
Haralson N/A Sept 25th
Hazen N/A Aug 30th
Honeycrisp N/A Sept 9th
Honeygold N/A Sept 21st
Idared slightly chunky light unique tart flavor dislike Oct 3rd
Jonagold chunky/smooth light tart at first and then turned sweet liked a lot Sept 23rd
Jonamac N/A Aug 29th
Jonathon w/ skins smooth pink/red true apple flavor- but sweeter than the peeled jonathons LOVE Sept 29th
Jonathon – peeled smooth normal true apple taste – tart but not too much love Sept 29th
Jumbo N/A Oct 2nd
Macoun N/A Sept 25th
McIntosh SMOOTH lighter slightly tart with hint of sweet decent Sept 6th
Melrose N/A Sept 30th
Northern Spy N/A Oct 31st
NW Greening mix dark sour yuck Sept 26th
Paulared mushed but not completely normal wonderful, sweet, appley YUMMY Aug 16th
Pink Lady (Cripps Pink) N/A Nov 1st
Rebella N/A Sept 20th
Red Delicious N/A Oct 4th
Red Gravenstein slimey  light  appley, tart  dislike Sept 5th
Regent N/A Sept 12th
Sansa N/A Aug 15th
Scarlet chunky pink, pink sharp tart flavor not my favorite Sept 5th
Shizuka chunky normal sweet but full flavored like Sept 25th
Silken chunky normal sweet, yet subtly apple LOVED! Sept 7th
Smokehouse N/A Sept 20th
Snow Sweet chunky/smooth normal tangy, sweet, appley like to love Sept 23rd
Spartan smooth/chunky normal tangy, appl-y, somewhat sweet like Sept 19th
Sweet 16 mushy normal tangy, bland, dry dislike Sept 30th
Tolman Sweet chunky dark sweet love Sept 22nd
Valstar chunky normal starts out sweet, leaves tart in mouth okay Sept 10th
Wealthy N/A Sept 1st
William's Pride N/A Aug 10th
Winesap N/A N/A N/A N/A Nov 1st
Wolf River N/A Sept 14th
Zestar! between normal real depth in flavor LOVED Aug 20th

Well…there it is for you.  I’m sure I’ve done more sauce analysis that that – I’ll have to search through my notes.  If I can’t find anymore I’ll be sure to fill in the gaps by making more sauce next season.  It’s not like we won’t enjoy it regardless!  I hope this helps you in your sauce making decisions!


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