See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


Apple Varieties Available
  • closed for the 2019 season
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Where Can you Find Us?
Please check out our NEW website and blog to stay informed on Lapacek's Orchard.

N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Apple Cider Photo Shoot

Have you ever wondered how we make our delicious, amazing, incredible unpasteurized apple cider?  Well – today is your lucky day.  Last season, Cory from Friends in Photography visited us during a pressing session and got some shots of the entire process.  Enjoy!Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard First, the apples are dumped into an elevator.  The elevator brings the apples up high and then dumps them into the grinder.  The grinder catches the apples as they fall and grinds them up with big metal ‘keys’ almost and crushes them into a mushy pulp.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard Jared pumps that pulp into the stacks of pressing trays and wraps them with porous clothes.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard  You can see that the pulp is so juicy it starts to drip out before the pressing even begins.

Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardOnce Jared has the trays stacked to the proper pressing height he attaches a rope to them.Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard He then cranks the loaded apple pulp trays underneath the hydraulic press.   Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardThe press pushes down on the trays and squeezes as much juice out of the apple pulp that is imaginable.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardWhile one set of trays is pressing, Jared starts to load a second and continues this process all through the evening.      

When the pulp has all the juice squeezed out of it Jared empties the pulp into a bucket to dump.  It’s amazing just how dry the pulp is.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardWhen the pressing of the apples first begins, we are busy on the other side of the room getting all of our jugs properly labeled.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardWe do all of our labeling by hand.   Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardEach time we press cider I have to estimate how many 1/2 gallons, quarts, and pints we should fill.  I always do these first and whatever cider is left goes into the gallon containers.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's OrchardWe fill each jug by hand.  We have a system of hoses and pumps that brings the cider from the bulk tank it goes into after pressing to the shut off valve filler I use to fill the jugs.  It’s a bit of an art filling the jugs.  You don’t want to fill them too low so you have to hand pore cider from another jug to get it to the top and you don’t want to fill it too high so it overflows or spews out all over the place.  I’ve gotten pretty good at it but I have a hard time focusing so I may overfill one or two times throughout the night (okay…maybe three or five).   Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard  Did you notice?  All we do to make our apple cider is press it – we add nothing – no sugar, no preservatives – just squeeze out the juice and jug it.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard Once the cider is filled and lidded, we put them into the apple crates to bring back to the other shed to the storage cooler or the store cooler for selling.   Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard Sometimes folks will bring us their carboys over for filling so they can make hard cider or wine.  We’re happy to do this.  It saves jug and lid costs for our customers and it’s easy for us to fill these big containers.  Professional Photo's of Lapacek's Orchard

So now you know – how we make our unpasteurized apple cider at Lapacek’s Orchard. 

Thanks again Friends in Photography for the great photo story!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Saucesational – An Experiment in Applesauce: Ginger Gold

Next apple up for the Sauce Test – Ginger Gold.P8170196 This is one of our newer varieties and it has gone over extremely well at the orchard.  It is similar to a golden delicious but ripens much earlier.  One of the neat things about this apple is it is slow to brown when cut. 
This apple also seemed to cook like a Golden Delicious – it really kept it’s shape.  P8170198 Here’s a foggy picture of the sauce after 2 hours in the slow cooker…I put the camera too close to the cooking apples and it fogged up… :)P8170199 Another view of the pot after two hours of cooking.
I let the apples cook for another hour and it eventually got a bit mushier but it did make a really nice chunky sauce.
It was a sweeter sauce with just a hint of tartness to it.  I enjoyed it quite a bit…not quite as good as the Zestar sauce but definitely delicious. 

Past Apple Tests:
Monday, August 27, 2012

Saucesational – An Experiment in Applesauce Zestar!

I didn’t manage to snap a picture of any part of this applesauce process for the Zestar! but I can tell you – I really enjoyed the sauce they made.  It was quite incredible.  There was just a real depth to the flavor of the sauce, good texture –not super chunky, not too smooth.  It almost tasted like there was more than one kind of apple mixed in.  If you want an apple that is good for eating and sauce making – I would go Zestar! this time of year for sure.

Past Apple Tests:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Apple-Azing Race Prize Package

I’ve been hinting at some fabulous prizes for the WINNER of the Apple-Azing Race but I haven’t yet let on what those prizes would be.  Well…I have more of an idea and I’ve think I’ve made you wait long enough!
Instead of ‘Racing to the Finish’ to be the winner, each team will be timed at each station.  Time sheets will be turned in at the end and points awarded accordingly.  The team with the most points at the end will win the ‘Grand Prize’.

Grand Prize Package

Amazing book page prints from The Bookish Life:

gold All that is gold does not glitter - J.R.R. Tolkien quote on The Fellowship of the Ring book page
wander Not all those who wander are lost - Tolkien quote on The Fellowship of the Ring book page

$20 Gift Certificate from Hydro Street Brewing Company in Columbus

(watch their little video on the website – I love it!)

Gift Certificate from Windsor Breads plus a bunch of yummy goodies and a mug!


The first 20 teams to register will get a free sub from Subway of Poynette!


Four Maze Passes for Creek Bed Country Farmacy

An incredible Goody Bag from the Poynette Area Public Library.  


Goodie bag from The Glitter Workshop


$20 to spend at Persimon Dreams or TheApple

(online or at our store)
orchard logo

$25 to spend at Lapacek’s Orchard

Stop by often – I’ll be finalizing some of the details of these prizes and hopefully adding even more!

Don’t forget – I need teams to PRE-REGISTER by August 29th – that’s just 6 days away!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Craft-Apple-Ar and Vintage Flea and Finds Market – THIS SUNDAY!

It’s just days until the second annual Craft-Apple-Ar at the Orchard this year.  Naomi and I decided to add in a little Vintage Flea and Finds to the mix and it’s looking to be a fantastic showing!  We’ll have vendors set up all over the area of the orchard near the shop and back by the playgrounds.  Our local boy scout troop will be selling brats and hot dogs.  Don’t forget to stop in the apple store for more hand made goodies (even Capri is getting into the spirit of selling…) – and of course, apples, caramel apples, and donuts too!
Here’s a little ‘sneak’ peak at some of the vendor’s you’ll find there…(I didn’t have pictures of everyone’s work so some will just have to be a surprise when you get here!):

Glitter Workshop

Source: booth121.com via Kim on Pinterest

Booth 121

funky old junk

Funky Old Junk

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest


Silly Rebel Celebrates

photo taken by Funky Monkey Photography at the 2011 Craft-Apple-Ar

Sugarbomb Dessert Company 

Full Moon Farm 

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest

Jenny Blasen Pottery 

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest


Hannah James 

Carra Davies

Kathy McComb 


Katie G. Meyer

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest

The Painted Daisy 


SassMama Arts

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest

JSDesigns Studios 

And of course I’ll have my goodies in the shop:
Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest

Persimon Dreams

Source: etsy.com via Kim on Pinterest

The Apple

Keep an eye on the Pinterest Board ‘Craft-Apple-Ar’ for even more ‘sneak peaks’ to Sunday’s show!
Sunday August 26th from 10am to 4pm
at Lapacek’s Orchard
N1959 Kroncke Road, Poynette WI 53955
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Peach and Tomato Salsa Recipe

    This was one of the salsa’s that I made for Salsa Saturday.  I had quite a few requests for this recipe so here it is:

    Salsa Saturday at Lapacek's Orchard


    Peach and Tomato Salsa


    • 4 medium peaches, peeled and pitted

    • 2 large tomatoes, cut into wedges and seeded

    • 1/2 onion, cut into wedges

    • 1/6 cup of dried cilantro from Penzey’s Spices

    • 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

    • 1 jalapeño, chopped

    • 1/2 chili pepper, chopped

    • 4 teaspoons cider vinegar

    • 1/2 lime, juiced

    • Baked tortilla chip scoops


        • In a food processor (I used my blender), combine the first five ingredients; cover and pulse until coarsely chopped. Add the peppers, vinegar, lime juice and pepper; cover and pulse just until blended. Transfer to a serving bowl; chill until serving. Serve with chips. Yield: 4 cups.

        Monday, August 20, 2012

        Kraut Day 2012

        Have you ever wondered how Sauerkraut is made?  Well – you’re opportunity to find out and even make your very own is here!

        Kraut Day at Lapacek's Orchard

        What:  Kraut Day

        When:  Saturday, August 25th from 1pm to 5pm

        Where:  Lapacek’s Orchard, N1959 Kroncke Road, Poynette, WI

        Kraut Day at Lapacek's Orchard


          What’s Happening?

          • Help make the kraut (sauerkraut).

          • Take home a bucket of kraut (about 6 quarts) to ferment at home.

            Fermentation takes 6 to 8 weeks.

          • You'll leave with instructions to can or freeze your kraut after

            fermentation is complete. Or just put it in the frig and eat it over

            the next few months.

          • Cost is $12 per bucket of kraut.

          • Bring the whole family. Make one bucket or several. Stop by anytime between 1 to 5 on Saturday afternoon to make your bucket or buckets. 

            Kraut Day at Lapacek's Orchard

          Down N Dirty Diva’s at the Dirty Girl Mud Run

          Some of you may have noticed that yesterday morning I wasn’t working at the apple store (this is Kim writing).

          Instead, I woke up bright and early and headed to Waukesha WI to do something I’ve never done before – a 5K Mud Run, the Dirty Girl.  Me and over 8,000 other woman gathered at the Waukesha Expo center on Saturday or Sunday to run in this crazy, fun event. dirty girl beforeMy friend, Amy, convinced me to join her team and do the run.  Our group of 8 women made up the ‘Down N Dirty Diva’s.  dirty girl before poynette   There were three of us from Poynette on the team.  dirty girl2 Here are three of us in one of the last muddy obstacles – army crawling in a big muddy pit under a cargo net.  Throughout the 5K course we did many of these type of obstacles and got really, really, really, muddy.  Seriously – really muddy!

          One of the obstacles was climbing over a cargo net ‘tent’ type thing that went a good 20 feet in the air.  I’m so not a fan of heights but I surprised myself and really had not problem with this obstacle at all.  Dirty Girl after

          Here’s six of our group at the end of the course!  Nice and muddy!dirty girl

          And here are the Poynette Girls at the finish line!

          It was a great experience and I hope to do it again next year!

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