- closed for the 2019 season
- Akane
- Arlet (Swiss Gourmet)
- Baker's Mix - August
- Baker's Mix - October
- Bella
- Bonnie's Best
- Braeburn
- Cameo
- Chenango Strawberry
- Cortland
- Cox Orange Pippin
- Crimson Crisp
- Crimson Gold
- Dandee Red
- Duchess
- Empire
- Fireside
- Frostbite
- Fuji
- Gala
- Ginger Gold
- Golden Delicious
- Golden Supreme
- Granny Smith
- Haralson
- Hazen
- Honey Gold
- Honeycrisp
- Idared
- Jonagold
- Jonamac
- Jonathan
- Jumbo
- Keepsake
- MacIntosh
- Macoun
- Melrose
- Northern Spy
- NW Greening
- Overall Summary
- Paulared
- Red Gravenstein
- Regent
- Sansa
- Scarlet
- Shizuka
- Silken
- Smokehouse
- Smoothee
- Sno (Famuese)
- Snow Sweet
- Spartan
- Sweet 16
- Tolman Sweet
- Valstar
- Wealthy
- William's Pride
- Wolf River
- Zestar!
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(608) 635-4780
2015 Apple Palooza Summary and Winners
We’ve had amazing weather this entire 2015 apple season … except for Apple Palooza. Of course! There was a wet mist happening most of the morning and into the afternoon. It was definitely not perfect weather for an event at the apple orchard. That being said – you folks still made it a great day!
We had 16 pies entered in the pie contest this year. Everyone did a fabulous job – the pies were delicious! (I may have tried quite a few …)
Here’s a picture of our fabulous judges …
and our official pie cutter, Jason.
Carolyn Brown was the ecstatic winner of this years pie contest! She’s entered every year and has taken 2nd or 3rd every year … this was her year! I was happy to award her the golden apple, a certificate for a FREE pie every month for a year from Monty’s Blue Plate Diner, a gift certificate to the Lapacek’s Orchard, and a copy of
2nd place with the silver apple and a gift certificate to the orchard went to Melissa Fischer! Melissa also won the ‘Prettiest Pie’ prize.
And 3rd place with a bronze apple and a gift certificate went to Mary Severson!
Most Creative Pie went to Emily Hefko!
Thank you to everyone who brought a pie and everyone who stopped to buy slices. We raised over $140 for the Poynette PAD Parent Club in pie slice sales!
Along with the pie contest we also held a ‘Carved Pumpkin Contest’. We had four gorgeous pumpkins brought and put on display!
The first prize pumpkin was by Maizie Waerzeggers! She received a 1 X Brass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit and a copy of Extreme Pumpkin Carving, Second Edition Revised and Expanded: 20 Amazing Designs from Frightful to Fabulous
Thanks once again to everyone for making this rainy day a fabulous and fun day at the orchard!
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