See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


Apple Varieties Available
  • closed for the 2019 season
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Please check out our NEW website and blog to stay informed on Lapacek's Orchard.

N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Photo Scavenger Hunt at Lapacek’s Orchard

I’ve had a photo scavenger hunt available for our customers to use on their visits to the orchard for a few years now.  The other day, I decided that I should take Cedi and Capri on the 2014 hunt and see how it went!  Here are the rules of the hunt.

  • Take a picture with at least 18 of the 21 items listed below.
  • ‘Like’ Lapacek’s Orchard on Facebook and share your pictures on the wall OR Join the Lapacek’s Orchard Flickr Group and post your pictures OR Instagram your adventures tagging @PersimonDreams and hashtagging #lapaceksorchardscavengerhunt
  • Email me that you have completed these steps and I will add your name to the list to win a free 1/2 peck of apples (max value of $5) during the 2014 apple season.  The next time you visit our orchard, tell us your name and you’ll be able to claim your prize. 

Let’s get started!


1. Next to a ‘Lapacek’s Orchard’ Sign


2. With a Lapacek (Diane, Frank, Jared, Kim, Mercedi, Capri and/or Persimoni)


3. With the goats (Gus, Jack Jack, and/or Buster)


4. By the raspberries (in the hoop house or outside … you choose)


5. Showing off the new Honey Stick Station


6. At the NEW ‘Look-Out Deck’


7. By the love lock wall (bonus if you lock your love)


8. Storing one of your purchases in our ‘Add to Cart’ Shelving Unit


9. Tasting an apple in the store


10. Enjoying the Tractor Tire Playground


11. Next to the BLUE knob hidden along the orchard walk


12. Hanging out with a gnome


13. With the Barn Quilt in the background


14. Goofing around in the ‘Photo Booth’ with fun props – always a favorite!


15. Creating music on the music wall


16. Checking out the ‘Grapes of Wrath’ sponsored by ‘Rock N Wool Winery’


17. In the Pumpkin Patch – Capri is actually SITTING on a pumpkin!

(We didn’t get this one … )

18. With a chicken – good luck!


19. With the amazing Wheel Flower Wall behind you


20. Admiring the fabulous glittered sewing machine


21. Checking out the Fairy Garden!


So – next time you stop at the orchard and have some time to spend – grab a photo scavenger hunt (and an orchard map) and see how you do!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Karmen Lindner Photography Library

As many of you know Karmen Lindner of Karmen Lindner Photography is at the orchard a lot. 

famiy photo

She’s taken stunning pictures of my kids and family here as well as many of your children and family.  She is a dedicated photographer that has honed her craft to perfection.  In her hours spent out here she does find a little bit of ‘break’ time and during those times we’ve become friends. 

karmen pip

One day, during off season we were hanging out in Baraboo when I saw one of those adorable ‘mini libraries’ you often see in cities.  I mentioned that one of my plans was to put one up at the orchard. (and of course – Karmen had to snap pictures of Pip while we were hanging out.)

This summer I received a super excited message from her saying that her family bought us a fabulous gift!  Woo Hoo!  I love presents!  A few days later she showed up with TWO BIG bins filled with BOOKS!  Perfect for my mini library dream!  Receiving these books was amazing AND it got Jared going on actually building my mini library!

IMG_3192Jared came in the house late one night and said, “You and the girls are going to have to fix it up … it’s looking a bit rough, “ referring to the library he just built.  As soon as I saw it I knew it was perfect!


I did paint "Karmen Lindner Photography Library” on it roughly because of her huge donation to this little project.


When you arrive at the orchard – unlatch the doors and see what book you’d like to borrow!  Take it out and return it when you come back.  IMG_3195This all 100% of an honor system.  I’m also going to try to get through some of my adult books to add to the library so the grown ups can enjoy it just as much!


There’s also a mini little door where the smaller books are hidden.  I think this is my favorite part!


I hope you enjoy our new little library addition at the orchard as much as I do!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beauty at Lapacek’s Orchard

Not only does the orchard offer delicious, freshly picked apples, mouth watering caramel apples, and of course the addictively wonderful apple cider donuts (on the weekends only remember) but we also offer a fun experience at our farm. 


We have a self guided walk you can take through the orchard (grab a map when you arrive).  Don’t forget to bring your camera.  Here are just a few shots of some of the beauty I discovered on my latest walk around our place.

IMG_3035RaspberriesIMG_3040Flowers by the red buildingIMG_3042Just love the lines and color contrast here.IMG_3044Fresh HopsIMG_3048

Merecedi’s Rose

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Updated Add to Cart Station

Since we don’t have carts or baskets we implemented an ‘Add to Cart’ Station during the 2013 season.  It’s a place you can set your items while you’re browsing or in case you realize that you aren’t ready to check out yet – you want to pick raspberries or go play some more.  It worked out pretty well, but the yarn across that indicated the shelf was in use just wasn’t’ cutting it.


What did we do to fix that problem!?  Add curtains of course!


Now – just add the items you want to save (like a mug and a cookbook).


And then pull the curtain shut so your items won’t even tempt someone else.

When you stop in – don’t be shy – feel free to give our modified ‘cart’ system a try!

Friday, August 22, 2014

New Honey Stick Station


I’ve been dreaming about this Honey Stick Station for over a year now.  Jared is AMAZING at taking my words and ideas and making them actually work.  Seriously – I’m super lucky (and so are you)!


Right between the two registers you will find our new Honey Stick Station.  We have 21 flavors of honey sticks for you to enjoy throughout the season (including plain honey).  Be sure to leave comments on this blog post as you discover new favorite flavors!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

2014 Craft-Apple-Ar

This Sunday is the 4th Annual Craft-Apple-Ar at the orchard!  I hope you are all as excited as I am!  We have some really great vendor’s coming with their hand crafted items, vintage finds, and of course – delicious food from Slide Food Cart!

I have a sneak peek at some of the vendors and what you can expect to find when you come out to the orchard on Sunday!

Cheryl of Totally Wired 

Find her on facebook here.

Totally Wired will have handmade tutu’s, wired serving ware, Badger/Packer Barn wood signs. 

totally wiredFavorite apple?  Honeycrisp!!!

Sharon Day of Ginger and Waldo

Ginger and Waldo will have handmade natural body products (solid lotions, lip balms, salt scrubs, cream deodorants, cuticle conditioners)
Favorite apple: Granny Smith!!

Monique Holden-Reinke of Hooked on Knots

Hooked on Knots will have crochet items (market bags, wash cloths, face scrubbies, and soap savers).

Katie Nelson of Gray View Design

Gray View Design will have handmade jewelry that is vintage inspired, or includes actual vintage components; baby and child headbands; vintage and antiques for resale.
Favorite apple?  Pink Lady

Nicole Mihalas, Trunk Keeper #450 for Matilda Jane Clothing

The fabulous Nicole Mihalas will be at the Craft-Apple-Ar with the Matilda Jane Trunk!  It has the greatest girls and Mama clothes ever!  Sunday is the time for you to play with the clothes – try it on, smile, and of course – fall in love with it as so many have before!
Favorite apple: Carmel Apples;)

Jenny Bormett of The Painted Daisy

The Painted Daisy will be selling lightweight sweaters, dresses, skirts & a few accessories at the Craft-Apple-Ar!

Favorite apple?  GALA

Brenda Vetter of SoL Criations Alpacas

and on facebook here
We will be selling many alpaca items: yarns, roving, socks, scarves, and hand felted items (scarves, hats, faeries, soaps).
My favorite apple is Wolf River, just something about them.... :)

And this isn’t everyone!  Be sure to stop by and find some great treasures!  (Oh, and apples, caramel apples, and donuts while you’re here too!)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What’s that Squash!?

There are so many things I want to share with you it’s hard to decide what to blog about first!  I’m going to start with these crazy looking squash we’ve been growing for the last couple of years.


One of my new favorite veggies that we grow is the tromboncino squash.  It can be eaten just like summer squash or zucchini.  We also will slice it up, dip it in ranch or peanut butter, and enjoy it fresh.  It’s also great sautéed with oil and seasoning.

IMG_2986I saw this recipe for ‘Meat, Tomato, and Mozzarella Stuffed Zucchini Cups’ on pinterest the other day and I thought I’d give it a try with the bigger tromboncino’s. 


It was a bit putzy but delicious.  I would definitely recommend trying this recipe out!  trombo

We gave our friend Jillian one of the monster tromboncino’s and she made THIS recipe.  Instead of acorn squash she used tromboncino and she said she LOVED it.  Oh – and of course she used our apples too!

So … next time you stop in, grab a tromboncino and give it a try.  Who knows?  It might be your families new favorite!

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