See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


Apple Varieties Available
  • closed for the 2019 season
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Where Can you Find Us?
Please check out our NEW website and blog to stay informed on Lapacek's Orchard.

N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Switch Up

So...to everyone's disappointment I'm not going to post a recipe today...instead I'm going to post about how many apples you actually need for things! This is a nice little guide that can also be found in Lapacek's Orchard, Appletizing Recipe's.

How Many Apples Do I need?
2 pounds of apples = one 9-inch pie
1 bushel of apples = about 18 quarts of applesauce
10 apples = about 1 quart of apple butter
1 peck = 1/4 bushel = about 10 pounds of apples
1 bushel = about 40 pounds of apples
1 bushel = about 100 medium apples
1 pound of apples = about 2 1/2 cups pared and sliced apples
1 pound of apples = 3 cups diced apples
1/2 bushel of apples = about 3 pounds dried apples
Hope this helps!
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday Night Adventures at Lapacek’s Orchard

I snapped a few pictures of the adventure’s that happened at the orchard last night. The night started out with moving a rather large rock from one spot by the red building to a garden by where the old house sat. It was a very big rock that took a large tractor, a chain, and the skidster…what fun…049 050 051 052 053 054

During the rock moving adventure’s grandma and Capri planted some flowers… 055 056Grandpa and Capri look at a quote together… 057 058Cedi decides to join them :) 059 Jared had the lucky job of saw-cutting a concrete slab.060

He’s a little sore this morning.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday Recipe - Spiced Apple Bagel

This recipe caught my eye so I hope it's good!

From the WAGA cookbook:

Spiced Apple Bagel
Beverly Raatz, Wisconsin
1999 Finalist

3 T light cream cheese, softened
1 honey-wheat or plain bagel split
3 T chopped apples
3 tsp. raisins
1 tsp. brown sugar
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. nutmeg

Spread cream cheese on bagel. Top with apples and raisins. Combine brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, sprinkle over top. Place on a baking sheet; broil 6-8 inches from the heat or 2-3 minutes or until hot and bubbly. 240 calories

Sounds super yummy to me! Nice way to spruce up that bagel of yours. Have a great Sunday!
Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's MOREL time!

YES! You read the title right! It's time to go out hunting for MORELS! I had a meeting on Monday night and my hubby surprised me by having a bag of MORELS on the table when I got home! YUMMY!

The next day we went hunting for even more!
As you can see in the picture above...they can be a bit tricky to find!
My mouth is watering now looking at these beautiful mushrooms!

I never liked mushrooms until I was at a friend's house in middle school for his confirmation (I think...). His grandparents lived by the Mississippi and brought a bunch of morels for our meal. SO GOOD! It wasn't until years later and life on an apple orchard that I was able to have more of them! I used to dream about them and now I'm lucky enough to find them on my own land!

This is just ONE of our bags of morels. We're about to go hunting for more right now!
ps...each time you see the word morel it links to a fun website that tells you even more about them!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cedi and Capri in the Apple Blossoms!

The orchard was in full bloom this past weekend. It seemed to warm up long enough to dress the girl's in matching dresses and snap a few pictures. Cedi was a little hesitant to cooperate at first but promise of chocolate cake helped fix that!

If you want to see any more beautiful pictures of the girls, the orchard and other various flower pictures from me just click HERE.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Lots has been happening at the Kroncke Road Orchard this spring.  We’re preparing to move the store over to our place in 2010 (don’t panic…more details to come later…).  Before we finished the hoop house, the Amish came down and put up an addition to our shed.  We will now have plenty of space to do everything we need to at our place….

008Frank is in the skidster boring holes for the posts to go in.  294


Grandma and Grandpa were our inspectors. 



Cedi had a picnic lunch with them on the first full day of construction!


They’re really getting the shed up…I think it took them only about 3 1/2 days when it was all said an done.   005  071

Grandpa keeping an eye on thing.  Making sure everyone stays on task. 073  075        I just realized i don’t have a picture of the project completed…I’ll have to get one of those taken and up soon!

It’s done though…we officially have one ‘motha’ of a shed… 40’ x 120’!  (and a lean on the front!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday Recipe - Spicy Apple Pancake with Cider Sauce

I'm going to feature a recipe today that comes from the WAGA Cookbook - we will have a limited quantity of these for sale at the orchard this fall.

I chose this one for my friend Kiki who loves apple pancakes!

Spicy Apple Pancake with Cider Sauce
-Dick and Wendy Dart, Maiden Rock

2 cups Bisquick
3/4 cup McIntosh apples
1 egg
1-1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1-1/3 cup milk

Mix all ingredients together. Measure 1/4 cup onto hot griddle.

1 cup sugar
2 T cornstarch
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 cups apple cider
2 T. lemon juice
1/4 cup butter or margarine

Mix first 4 ingredients. Stir in cider and lemon juice. Cook stirring constantly until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in butter.
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poynette Library – DECORATE A BIRDHOUSE FUNdraising Event!

The Friends of the Poynette Library enlisted local artists to help with this fabulous fundraising event.

Here were our instructions:

- Sign out a birdhouse (or build one yourself)

- Donate your time, materials and creativity on behalf of the Friends.

- Decorate the birdhouse with tiles, paints, stencils, pebbles, straw, etc.

- Return it to the library on or before May 14, 2009

I received a friendly ‘reminder’ on Monday night that my birdhouse was due back at the library no later than Thursday! I had completely forgotten about it so I was very happy for the call. I had shown up the library late and there were only a few small birdhouses left to decorate and I knew I wouldn’t have time to come up with my own (at least this year…I already have a few ideas if they do it again next year…) so I took a small one home.

Wednesday was ‘Grandma Day’ for the girls so I finally had some time to paint my birdhouse. I painted it with a fabulous mixture of dark blue and celery colored paint. I then used modge podge to attach this fabulous bird print from a piece of fabric onto the top of the houses’ roof…of course I added some glitter to my modge podge…it wouldn’t be my birdhouse without that! If you want to see more pictures of this birdhouse click HERE!


My mother-in-law, Diane, was a bit more ambitious and creative than I! She painted this fabulous apple gourd and made it into a birdhouse! I think it looks fantastic. If I were you would I would keep your eyes peeled this fall for some more of these at our Orchard store!002

Before I picked the girls up, I delivered our birdhouses to the library. Here are some pictures of the other’s that people decorated!007 001 003 004 006

These birdhouses will be displayed and ON SALE on May 15th and 16th at the Friends of the Library Annual Plant and Book Sale.

This sale will be in the Presbyterian Church Basement at 224 N. Main St, Poynette, WI. Friday from 8-5 and Saturday from 8-2.

All the proceeds go to benefit the Poynette Area Public Library.

Thank you for supporting your Friends of the Library in this unique endeavor!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Project Complete (well...mostly anyway)

My parents came for a visit yesterday and of course, we put them to work! We managed to get the frame work all up for the hoop house over our raspberries with their help and Frank and Diane's help. Jared just has to finish spacing and tightening on one of the upper lines of the house and it will be ready to have the plastic put on next year!

Notice in the background of all these pictures...the orchard is in full bloom...just gorgeous!

The end of the day...

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