See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


Apple Varieties Available
  • closed for the 2019 season
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Where Can you Find Us?
Please check out our NEW website and blog to stay informed on Lapacek's Orchard.

N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Red Gravenstein Apples–Saucesational Analysis

I took a couple of our Red Gravenstein Apples and I peeled, cored and sliced them and put them in my min crock pot.

Red Gravenstein Applesauce

I turned the crock pot on high and in about an hour and a half I had some applesauce.

Red Gravenstein Applesauce

The red gravenstein definitely cooked down into a fairly smooth sauce.  The sauce was jaw-tingly tart and sharp.  Not my favorite on its own but would definitely add some great flavor mixed with other apples.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Opening Day of 2017 Apple Season

On opening day the lovely Karmen Lindner of Karmen Lindner Photography stole my camera and took a few photo’s of folks enjoying the start of the 2017 season.  I was thrilled with how beautiful they turned out I thought you would also enjoy seeing them.

IMG_7817You will be seeing these three lovely ladies around the orchard a lot this year – they’re getting old enough that they’re actually SUPER helpful!  They’ll also be doing fundraisers with their sports teams some of the weekends to help raise money for equipment and events – I’ll keep you all posted but be prepared for softball, basketball and gymnastic fundraisers!

For opening day they dressed special – Capri was sunshine, Pip was a tree, and Cedi was the “young lady.”IMG_7761IMG_7762IMG_7767IMG_7769IMG_7788 

Caramel apples!  Yummy!


IMG_7799She’s a little blurry but Diane is in charge of the sorting room and keeping all of our shelves stocked!  She’s also up at the register if I am called elsewhere.  We have discovered this year that Cedi can not only lift a bushel of apples but also she can carefully load them onto the sorter.  It may just be possible that Grandma Diane’s job will get slightly easier … time will tell!IMG_7801

We’ll have sweet corn for the next few weeks – it’s delicious and we’re growing it right here at the orchard!

IMG_7802The majority of the fall you’ll be seeing me, Kim, behind the register!  I’m also the person behind these blog posts, the facebook page, the app and the newsletter.  Both Jared and I have control of the instagram account so if something odd is posted it’s all Jared!


This lovely little lady was pretty excited for some apple cider donuts!

IMG_7809One thing we might be doing for fundraisers are caramel apple sundae’s or caramel apple sundae bars.  I’ll be sure to post on facebook if there is one happening so you don’t miss out on this special delicious treat!

IMG_7749I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the Lapacek’s and the Lindner’s scheming up some fun things to offer you all this apple season!  Stay tuned!

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