- closed for the 2019 season
- Akane
- Arlet (Swiss Gourmet)
- Baker's Mix - August
- Baker's Mix - October
- Bella
- Bonnie's Best
- Braeburn
- Cameo
- Chenango Strawberry
- Cortland
- Cox Orange Pippin
- Crimson Crisp
- Crimson Gold
- Dandee Red
- Duchess
- Empire
- Fireside
- Frostbite
- Fuji
- Gala
- Ginger Gold
- Golden Delicious
- Golden Supreme
- Granny Smith
- Haralson
- Hazen
- Honey Gold
- Honeycrisp
- Idared
- Jonagold
- Jonamac
- Jonathan
- Jumbo
- Keepsake
- MacIntosh
- Macoun
- Melrose
- Northern Spy
- NW Greening
- Overall Summary
- Paulared
- Red Gravenstein
- Regent
- Sansa
- Scarlet
- Shizuka
- Silken
- Smokehouse
- Smoothee
- Sno (Famuese)
- Snow Sweet
- Spartan
- Sweet 16
- Tolman Sweet
- Valstar
- Wealthy
- William's Pride
- Wolf River
- Zestar!
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(608) 635-4780
Wrapping up the 2015 apple season
Hi everyone! It’s with a bittersweet mood that I type up the end of the season blog for this year. It has been an incredible 2015 apple season – seriously, incredible.
I have to say a huge ‘THANK YOU” to all of you for that! We had countless new visitors to the orchard this year that came because they heard from a friend, a neighbor, a coworker, what an amazing place this was. Without you and your support – my families dream would not be possible.
All of the photo’s on this post were shared to the Lapacek’s Orchard facebook page.
photo shared by Donna F
There were TONS Of great memories created at the orchard this season too! I’ve heard from multiple sources that the boat was a hit.
The staff from Eldorada Grill had fun hanging out at the orchard for a work outing. (Notice Capri and Pip tagged along)
Everyone liked to share delicious pie pictures made using our baker’s mix – above is Kaitlin Quick’s mini apple pies.
Elizabeth P’s apple pie is making my mouth water!
Many photographers utilized our beautiful orchard as a backdrop to their photo sessions. I don’t think these kiddo’s minded Spiff the cat photo bombing their shoot there. Great shot by Maggie Augusta Photography.
The orchard is a perfect place to let your kiddo’s run and just be kids! Fawn B’s kids where definitely getting some energy out this day!
I’m pretty sure that it was a tie between boat pictures and pictures by our new fence. Check out Samantha R’s cuties!
And of course … the kittens were a huge hit! I know that Hillary L’s daughters adore the cats and eat their apples faster so they can come and visit the kittens more often.
We have six friendly goats at the orchard that got a lot of attention and ate a lot of apple cores. I’m loving this photo from Kristin G.
Students from Lodi High School had a fun time visiting the orchard in the late fall.
One of my favorite memories from the orchard was when adorable triplet boys visited … I would guess they were about 1.5ish. Their mom had a bag of apples in the wagon with them and as she check out one of the little guys leaned over and took a bite of an apple right through the bag! He just couldn’t wait!
We have so many customers that make doing what we do worth it. It’s hard to express in words what I mean but I just want you to all know that we (I) appreciate you and your support!
So – what do we do when apple season is over? Well – we get to see these three lovely ladies again (photo by Karmen Lindner Photography). I know the girls’ are all looking to have more time with us. We’re so excited that Mercedi and Capri qualified for the Level 3 state gymnastics meet. On December 5th from 9-11:30 they’ll be competing at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison! We couldn’t be more proud.
Diane and I (Kim) will be back into our quilting world. If you want to keep up-to-date on my creations be sure to follow along on my blog, Persimon Dreams and/or instagram account.
Jared is back working full time at his ‘real’ job at Burse Surveying and Engineering. He is a Registered Land Surveyor and works in Madison during the day and does orchard things at night and on the weekends.
Frank will be around working on things that need to be done at the orchard – pruning the trees, fixing things that are broken, and just overall care of the orchard.
With that – thank you so much for all your enthusiasm and support of our little orchard and our little dream. We appreciate you. Happy Thanksgiving.
2015 Hand Crafted Hoedown for the Holidays
An opportunity to buy unique, locally hand-crafted items for friends and family while listening to holiday music!Items from numerous artists include: Quilts, Ornaments, Baskets, Bags and Purses, Holiday Decoration, Baby Items, Hand-Dyed Clothing, Jewelry, Crocheted Hats, Winter Items, Candles and More!
Also, a Mini Quilt Shop and freshly baked goodies from Lapacek's Orchard!
Friday, November 20th from 9am-6pmSaturday, November 21st from 9am-5pm
Lapacek's OrchardN1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955
(608) 635-4780
Participating Artist
(I will continue to expand this list as I hear from more folks)
Persimon Dreams – quilted and sewn items, pillows, jewelry, ornaments, christmas trees, and more!
Diane Lapacek – quilted and sewn items, gourds, hand painted items
CJs Eco Chic – Soy Candles
The Painted Daisy – upcycled sweater scarves and arm warmers
Cheri B Photography - Photography art - framed prints and canvas
Baskets by Becky
The Hammer Factory

Poplin - Cute Items for Kiddo's and Pampering products for women and girls!
A Spoonful of Sugar -
Chocolate covered bacon (bagged)
Pumpkin bars, cream cheese frosting (containers)
Smores puppy chow(bagged)
Apple fritter bread loaves(bagged)
The Glitter Workshop – assortment of glitter goodies!
Amy R – Coloring books, dolls, crowns, scarves and more
Karol Tomlinson – felted wool mittens
Janet K – Hand sewn bags, pillows, quilts and aprons
Upcycled Funk – Upcycled random amazing-ness
Fuzzy Monkey - Upcycled Sweater Mittens
Cheryl S – Olive Forks with Attitude
Wreaths by Chalann
Jen G – Handmade soaps – only found at the Handmade Hoedown for the Holiday’s
Another Man's Treasures - Custom Upcycling and Woodworking
Donna F - children's clutch balls, children's fabric books, seek and find pouches, crayon bags
Jenny Blasen Pottery – Pottery mugs, buttons, and wee dishes
Shirley – paper crafts: greeting cards, small gift boxes, gift bags, bows and party favors
Bryn – Girls Clothing and bows
Jane F – Scrabble Tile Jewelry and fun bookmarks

Boards by Mike - Handcrafted Cutting Boards
Jim Muttini - Wood Turnings
Julia J - Uncommon Objects
SoL Criations - Yarns, rovings, soap, socks, mittens, blankets, hats, scarves
Dean Piehl - Woodworking
Barb Raisbeck - Quilted bags
Lora Lynn Designs - headbands and snap scarves
OnceMoore – Felted Goodies and Knit goodies

KTG Designs – Jewelry
Lori Cox – Primitive Creations
Kim Lodahl – scarves and hats!
Cheryl S - fun wine bottle decorations
Trish T – Woolen scarves, bags, and purses
HOOKED – 9 year old Lucia Lindner brings you - Frozen bracelets, snowflake and holiday charms, ugly sweaters, stockings, chicks and owls, gymnast girls and more
Jean – handcrafted clothing, ornaments, clothes, purses, and more!
Miss Ks Creations - Finger knitted Scarfs out of yarn and t-shirts
Creations from Capri, Cedi & Pip!
Karmen Lindner Photography will be holding Holiday Mini Sessions at the orchard on Saturday, November 21st during the Hoedown! Sign up for you session HERE!
And I’m sure much more!
Oh - and of course we'll still have apples, donuts, caramel apples, cider and squash!!!!!
(Check out the photo album from last years sale!)
This show is full of so much talent and variety – you’ll be able to cross TONS of folks off your list!
2015 Apple Palooza Summary and Winners
We’ve had amazing weather this entire 2015 apple season … except for Apple Palooza. Of course! There was a wet mist happening most of the morning and into the afternoon. It was definitely not perfect weather for an event at the apple orchard. That being said – you folks still made it a great day!
We had 16 pies entered in the pie contest this year. Everyone did a fabulous job – the pies were delicious! (I may have tried quite a few …)
Here’s a picture of our fabulous judges …
and our official pie cutter, Jason.
Carolyn Brown was the ecstatic winner of this years pie contest! She’s entered every year and has taken 2nd or 3rd every year … this was her year! I was happy to award her the golden apple, a certificate for a FREE pie every month for a year from Monty’s Blue Plate Diner, a gift certificate to the Lapacek’s Orchard, and a copy of
2nd place with the silver apple and a gift certificate to the orchard went to Melissa Fischer! Melissa also won the ‘Prettiest Pie’ prize.
And 3rd place with a bronze apple and a gift certificate went to Mary Severson!
Most Creative Pie went to Emily Hefko!
Thank you to everyone who brought a pie and everyone who stopped to buy slices. We raised over $140 for the Poynette PAD Parent Club in pie slice sales!
Along with the pie contest we also held a ‘Carved Pumpkin Contest’. We had four gorgeous pumpkins brought and put on display!
The first prize pumpkin was by Maizie Waerzeggers! She received a 1 X Brass and Walnut Pro Pumpkin Carving Tool Kit and a copy of Extreme Pumpkin Carving, Second Edition Revised and Expanded: 20 Amazing Designs from Frightful to Fabulous
Thanks once again to everyone for making this rainy day a fabulous and fun day at the orchard!