See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


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  • closed for the 2019 season
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Please check out our NEW website and blog to stay informed on Lapacek's Orchard.

N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Orchard is Growing and Blooming!

I wanted to share with you some pictured I snapped while walking around our place with Persimoni between the rain on Wednesday…004The apples are really starting to get big now.  012 Things are looking right on track for an August 15th opening.   005 A random sunflower blooming on the south side of one of our sheds.007 Our newest rhubarb garden – should have rhubarb for sale at the 2012 Apple Blossom Days.010  The pick your own garden of peppers and tomato’s seems to be doing nicely.013  This years sunflower field isn’t quite as tall but it will still be fun!017 LOTS of delicious looking pears growing. 020  AND tons of those delicious peaches I had for the first time last year…023   And now, some pictures of the cone flowers growing by the red shed.026 027  029 032 Flower Kale…033 and I’m not sure what this is but it’s growing near the bell by my deck and I’m excited to see what it turns into…

I’ll keep you posted as more things start to bloom and ripen!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Music Wall Update

The Music Wall is slowly coming together. We have pots and pans.

An old oven grate.

Tin cans made into wind chimes.  Old washers and nuts and bolts make great clangers.

The bells that used to ring when you came into the old store.

Some things headed for the garbage that you can clang against each other.

Cedi pounded in a couple of nails and Capri learned about tie wraps.  She asked if she could have some.  A little while later, I found she had tied them all to Cedi's nails. 

We added wooden spoons and rulers, a recycled vintage ice cream scoop, and the drumstick Aunt Karma found in the parking lot to use as bangers.  I told Cedi and Capri they should make lots of beautiful music whenever they see birds in the blueberries......

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Demolition Day Two

Now that we had the above ground building portion removed from the underground building – walls we weren’t expecting to collapse –did.  048You can see in the above photo how the northern wall had fallen down (this was before the demo started).  So, we decided to just remove it all and grade it out.  

This time around we had BJ from Doherty’s Trucking and Excavating come over to take the underground portion out.  He showed up with a big excavator and went to work.  Grandpa, the girls and I enjoyed watching it and even managed to shoot a short video of the fun!    050  056  058  


And when he was all done – we have a nicely graded field…it’s weird that the old building is gone, but much, much safer!  Now we just have to figure out what we’re going to put here – picnic area, more apple trees, pumpkins?  Only time will tell…

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A New Sign for the Orchard

004I know I’ve bragged about how amazing my husband Jared is before.  But he really is amazing.  He looks at a problem and figures out how to make it better or more efficient.

Each year we plan on adding improvements to the orchard.  One thing we wanted to make better for this apple season was the sign by the road.  After analyzing how Jared wanted to make it he finally got to work.  I’m sure you can see by the pictures that he created a spectacular sign!003  I think it’s exactly what we needed for by the road and I’m really happy with what he came up with!008

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kraut Day – July 31st, 2011

cabbage Have you ever wondered how Sauerkraut is made?  Well – you’re opportunity to find out and even make your very own is here!


What:  Kraut Day
When:  Sunday, July 31st at 1:00pm
Where:  Lapacek’s Orchard, N1959 Kroncke Road, Poynette, WI


What’s Happening? 

  • Help make the kraut (sauerkraut).
  • Take home a bucket of kraut (about 6 quarts) to ferment at home.
    Fermentation takes 6 to 8 weeks.
  • You'll leave with instructions to can or freeze your kraut after
    fermentation is complete. Or just put it in the frig and eat it over
    the next few months.
  • Cost is $12 per bucket of kraut.
  • Bring the whole family. Make one bucket or several.
  • Please RSVP to lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com with your name and how many of buckets of kraut you want to take home.

While you're here, you can see what's new for 2011.
Check out the new kitties. (There are LOTS of them!)
Make some music on the new Music Wall.
See the new chickens. Those babies from Apple Blossom Days are growing up!
The store will be open. Sorry, no apples yet, but we'll have honey
and maple syrup, jams and jellies, jewelry and quilts.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Music Wall

We're always looking to add somethong new and fun at the orchard and I recently saw a music wall and decided we needed one.

I knew we had some old gates that Uncle Buddy had used in his barn back when he had sheep. He got rid of the sheep and he and his son, Shaun, are converting the old barn into a winery. So these gates were headed for the burn pile. I thought they were too good for that. so they've been hanging inside the lean waiting for the perfect use.

We got a couple of the gates down and tied them to some T posts out by the tractor tire playground. We figured this was the perfect place......not too close to the store...

Now for just the right color scheme. I asked Jared to find me some paint and he pulled out all the exterior colors he had hanging out in his basement. Perfect!!! Now we have brightly colored gates waiting for the music to be added. We've been scouring the farm looking for assorted items that will make great music. Stay tuned to see what we found.
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Demolition Day ONE

 022 Every year we try to make some improvements to the orchard.  A high priority on this years list was to do something about the underground building.  Due to poor drainage, the walls were collapsing in on themselves making this building unsafe.  023 You can really see the wall issues in the picture above. 026 The really unfortunate thing about having to demo this building is that it was a really neat piece of history for the orchard.  You can see that the peak of the building is barely out of the ground here.  Underneath it is a concrete room built into the side of the hill.  This is where the apples were stored before they had big coolers for them.  043 But, we did have to take it down so we could eliminate our worry that someone would get hurt in it.  050Our buddy John of JZ Enterprises came over to help with the initial demolition of the building. 

Below you can see a freeze frame progression of the building coming down.044 045 046  047048  027

Here is Jared and Capri checking out what’s left of the underground building.  Our initial plan was to create some sort of picnic area hear and still show of the underground building.  Unfortunately, once the building/roof was taken off this area the wall you see on the left collapsed and the interior walls of the underground building started to crack and buckle – again, not safe.


I’ll share with you Demolitions Day TWO soon so you can see what we finally decided had to happen.

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