See our NEW Website for more info!

Drop off your plastic bags and canning jars at the orchard and we'll re-use them!

We're always looking for wagons for people to use when they go to our pumpkin patch - feel free to drop off your old or un-used wagons at the orchard!

We're also happy to take any picnic tables you're getting rid of - even if it's just the 'bones' of the table.


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N1959 Kroncke Road
Poynette, WI 53955

Take Hwy 51 North from Madison, go straight onto Hwy 22, turn east (right) onto Hwy 60 almost immediately. Drive 2 miles and go North (left) onto Kroncke Road. We're just over a mile on the left-hand side.

Want to talk to someone?
(608) 635-4780

Be sure to subscribe to our new You Tube Channel - "Cider After Dark"!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

“I So Much Love You” ~Capri

029I am a few days late (3 actually) in posting my ‘birthday’ blog for my beautiful little 3 year old, Capri. (I was taken down for a few days by a nasty cold…)

capricapribornOn February 24th, 2008 at 8:16pm my beautiful little girl – Capri Grace joined our family.  To read more about her birth story click HERE.

capri 1 Capri at 1capri 2Capri at 2006Capri at 3 –

and this picture perfectly depicts what my ‘sweet, little snuggly’ Capri was like on her birthday – stubborn and wryly.  I have to say – it’s never been the terrible 2’s here – more like the terrible 3’s.  I had about 3 months of a break from them but now I have another 12 months to endure…wish me luck.

009We had a very laid back birthday celebration for Capri.  Grandma and Grandpa Van came during the day to hang out and play.  We went to ‘Market Street Diner’ for lunch and to enjoy our ‘free birthday cake’.  There were plans to go to Bouncy Town but due to some behavioral issues we had to pass. 012 Papa brought home Capri’s favorite pizza – cheese and olives and then Grandma and Grandpa Lapacek came by at night to enjoy some ‘blue’ cake with the birthday girl.

I’m pretty sure Capri had an enjoyable celebration and is quite happy with her new toys and clothes.  I can’t believe that my baby is already three and soon to be a big sister!! 

028  Just a few things about my lovely Capri…

  • she’s so easy to give you a smile and is happy to snuggle whenever necessary
  • building with blocks/lego’s/etc, coloring, and putting together puzzles are just a few of her favorite things
  • she was slow to start talking but now that she has, she continually amazes us with all the things she has to say
  • her eyes are definitely going to get her in trouble with the boys someday
  • she shows no fear
  • I can’t wait to have her measured at the doctor next week so I can share with you exactly how tall she is – and she is tall!
  • My favorite thing that she has said to me that still melts my heart is, “I so much love you.”
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stuffed French Toast…Sort of…

Well, they’ve been canning away in our commercial kitchen (aka basement) and because of that there’s been partial jars of ‘Apple Pie in a Jar’ left that didn’t quite make it into the can.  Well…one can only eat so many apple pies (I know…shocking) so we discovered something new and delicious to make.

This morning, Jared and the girls made up a batch of French Toast.  Once that was done, we heated the apple pie filling from the apple pie in a jar just a bit to warm it up.  Spooned it over one slice of toast and covered it with another.  You can then put a dollop of whipped cream on the top of the toast (or, I discovered on the side so you can dip into it without it melting away) and ENJOY!  It was quite a tasty treat for breakfast – I highly recommend it. 

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